A True Debbie Downer of a Blog

This may be a Debbie Downer of a blog and for that, I apologize in advance. It isn’t a maybe, it is completely, 100% a sad blog. The topic I would like to discuss with you: depression. It’s a serious topic for a lot of people (me being one) do not take it lightly, although I used to have elements of denial with it. I’ve been seeing a lot of support on Facebook with the (September) Suicide Prevention/Awareness Month and I’ve seen donations made to various organizations and that is wonderful! The depression/suicide awareness should not just be one of those fad once a month, “Hey-Look at me-I changed my profile picture-I support this month’s awareness”. It goes way deeper than that, especially for this topic. It is a serious thing and it should be more than just a month of random posts on Facebook. I would say that about any disease/organization/awareness topic-make it your passion if its something you truly care about in a subject matter. Do something about it-don’t just copy/paste shit. I am passionate about this one though. I am going to speak of my experience of it as my form of supporting the month of awareness. I am by no means a doctor nor am I an expert on the topic but I have firsthand knowledge of feelings and effects of depression as I have struggled with depression since I was an adolescent.

What brought this topic up: I attended a party where I met an older lady that approached me and was discussing the food that was served and I admitted I couldn’t try any of the food due to my surgery. She was very interested to hear my story because she has a daughter, younger than myself, in college hoping to make something of herself and is quite a bit overweight, depressed and struggling. Her daughter struggles with mental health to the point of not functioning and she said her daughter would love to have some sort of surgery for her weight loss but she has to get her life together first. I know how that goes-it is a real struggle to put your life on hold until your brain/mind decide to function as normally as possible. It isn’t even a matter of your brain/mind ‘deciding’ to function. It goes beyond that. It was, in all, a great conversation-I feel as if I provided information and resource because I also told her about my medication I am on, what doctors I see and the name of my surgery and so on. I could feel this lady’s pain through her daughter. I have seen it before. I have lived it before.

It’s hard to pinpoint where depression comes from or how it happens to some people and not others. It seems as if the ones that have never experienced depression or anxiety, don’t understand why it happens and sometimes they don’t even try to empathize and expect people to wake up one day and be OKAY. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told to, “Shake it off-it isn’t so bad”, “Don’t be in such a mood”, “Maybe you just need a nap” or anything else along those lines. It just isn’t that simple. I’m not even sure why depression happens the way it does but I suppose there is an element of genetics, an element of environmental factors, and an element of self-worth. There are probably more factors I am missing but I know the elements I described are the ones that probably impacted my depression the most and probably in that specific order. I’ll explain in more detail.

Mental health issues run in my family. I shall not get into the specifics of who and what run in my family. I’m not ashamed of it, I am just being respectful of everyone’s privacy. Not everyone I’m related to are quiet as frank as I am about things, particularly life events, and I understand that completely. We aren’t unusual for having it run in our family. Hell, mental health related issues are probably just as common as inheriting skin tags, certain hair colors, blood pressure or something of that nature. Again, I am not a doctor so stop being a Judge Judy about my comparisons.

Depression is a disease that, much like eye color and hair styles, sometimes you don’t have a choice but to be born with it-it just depends when it develops. The choice, once depression is discovered and once one finally admits that they have an issue with their upstairs, they need to decide how to handle it. There are various ways to cope with it and trust me from my experience, sometimes that isn’t always easy to take that plunge. Here is what I did and it took years for me to discover: 1). Admit you have a problem and 2). Admit you need help 3). Actually seeking help. In fact, it is very dangerous mixture- to have depression and also the unwillingness to admit any of those things. That’s why I believe it is hard enough to get help. Trust me, I know.

I have been off and on depression pills since I was 16 years old. My depression dates back well before that. I have journals that I wrote very sad and depressing things when I was so much younger.  Things that I don’t even know how a child that young can even comprehend what those feelings are like, what they mean and not even knowing I could have sought help. Here are some excerpts from my journal:

…”Life sucks so bad. I feel so ugly and stupid and fat. I hate it”

“Today, at first, was real bad. I kind of had a disagreement with my mom about how bad our/my life really is and how stupid I am, how I am going to fail in life..”

“…Life is sucking, sucking really bad and has for a while now. I don’t know what to do. I can’t put on a happy face forever. I believe my depression is getting worse. My life is going nowhere and it’s because of my negative thinking.”

“I hate my body and so I rather not show it. Why couldn’t God make me skinny? Why do I have to be fat? I gained weight. Like 4 pounds. That’s depressing”.

“Today wasn’t a good one. I’m finding more and more reasons why my life sucks. To me, lately, my life seems like a big mistake, like I’m a no body. If I die tomorrow-who would miss me? Sometimes I just can’t take life”.

“This has been happening for a long time now but I can just barely look at myself in the mirror. When I come out of the shower, I can’t look at myself for very long-without make up I feel so ugly. No! I am ugly. I’m going to try to make myself into what I call ‘beautiful’…I hate my life. Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t have been born. God, just take my life. I also hate my body so much. Why didn’t God make me pretty?”

Growing up isn’t ever easy. I’ve had certain situations in my life that chose to stick with me like glue which highly influenced my depression. I tend to remember more negatives than positives in my life-I hate that and I’ve been working on that for years now. I suppose that’s why now as an adult, I like to take pictures to 1) To remember what happened 2) To know that life wasn’t always so bad and there are always something to be happy about. I’ve always known I am a little different from everyone else-my family, my friends, social acquaintances. I don’t mean that in a negative way, I mean that as positively as you can imagine. Perhaps that had something to do with how I was raised-to be my own individual. I love my parents allowed me to do this and to experience things on my own, learn the good and the bad, owning who I am. There were some negative to this though.

I was home-schooled until college. Even though my brother did go to public school for a while and I saw what that was like, I still learned at home. One of my first memories of people teasing me was when I was six years old and it involved my brothers public school. I had dressed myself one day-I decided to wear the most vivid rain boots and a ridiculous long jacket that went to my knees. The day wasn’t gloomy, there was no forecast of rain. I would like to think that I was channeling Lady GaGa even when I was a young tot. We had to go to my brother’s public school to pick him up and my mom had to speak with a teacher. I had to go to the bathroom and I was trusted to go by myself, so I did. The girls in the bathroom, they knew who I was, in fact my brother had a crush on one of the girls. They teased me for wearing my outfit on a beautiful day. I don’t remember exactly what was said but I know it was cruel, loud laughter occurred, pointing and teasing. I cried. I ran to my mom. It was unnecessary. It was memorable for the worst.

Eventually my brother was taught at home too. Home-schooling had some extremely terrible stereotypes which affected me until college, to the point I started lying to people about my “high school”. People assumed I was stupid or something, some sort of learning disability that required me to be taught special at home by my mother. All my life I was assumed to be that type of person. I remember when I was about nine years old, playing basketball on a very successful team as a club, the girls would make fun of me behind my parents back (who were the coaches). They would tease me with questions because I refused to answer and when I went silent-they would say stuff like-“I told you guys she wouldn’t know. That’s why she is home-schooled because she doesn’t know anything!” I would cry at home, alone because I didn’t like feeling I was less than a normal person or that I was stupid. Some of our close acquaintances did not understand why my parents chose to home-school us, but it wasn’t any of their business. If I was paid $5.00 for every time I heard this statement, “…but since you are home-school, think of everything you will miss out on-you can’t go to school dances or prom, you can’t participate in sports, you won’t be social”. First of all, I attended more school dances than I can count on both my hands and I still own those dresses to this day! I did go to prom, homecoming, winter balls, you name it-I went to all of them. I was so good at bowling that I was bowling on a JV High School team when I was in middle school, on a boy’s team nonetheless. Due to my bowling career and support of my parents that allowed me to travel so much and see so much of the United States, I was very social! I hated that stereotype the worst-“You don’t act home-schooled-you know, all weird and anti-social”. I do own up to the weird part but anti-social, only selective with people I do not like. I knew other home-schoolers and yes, some are strange sometimes but not all of us are like that.

The teasing continued in my life with my brother. Older brothers can be…hard on siblings-or older siblings can be hard on younger ones. I shouldn’t put a gender on that because I know of some older sisters that are dicks (twats?) to their younger siblings. I always envied the sibling relationships that you see on things like Little House on the Prairie. Even now, being an adult with people on Facebook posting their sibling love-I envy that. I don’t have anything remotely to it with mine. Being told I am stupid, can’t learn, can’t do anything right, ‘why don’t you just give up!’ negatives all the time coming from multiple directions. I decided I hated learning. I felt as if I shouldn’t even try. Most times, I didn’t try-I didn’t want to. It isn’t like I couldn’t try, I chose not to because I didn’t want to fuel the negative comments and prove them right. I struggled with this up until I had to graduate. I had the worst anxiety taking my GED test. I didn’t want to even do it. In fact, I didn’t even take the test until I was already in classes at the community college I attended because I was so afraid of proving those people right with their negative comments-the ones where I was stupid, I couldn’t learn and I wouldn’t be anything in life. I think this was just the beginning of my understanding of what depression was, starting early on and moving forward.

The teasing went beyond how intelligent I was. The teasing started to also include my body. Since I had already felt/looked bigger boned than my young-skinny-bitch friends, the comments started to flow which confirmed my feelings. It was a mix of boys (sometimes men) teasing me, my brother and even other girls.

Some of those comments still hurt if I think about them hard enough. One of my guy friends growing up (whom I had a falling out with) said out loud at the bowling alley for all to hear-“Look how fat Kaleena’s ass is. It jiggles with her just standing there. It is so fat that she probably should start worrying about chairs!” Another really hurtful comment came from a very, very well-respected bowler in the bowling community. I was 15 years old at the Hoinke Tournament (Ohio) watching my brother bowl this huge competition. This (now well-respected) guy was trashed knew my brother somehow. I was walking around watching different people bowl. He goes up to my brother and points at me and says, “Hey…you see that young girl that is walking around? She is seriously the fattest, sluttiest, gross piece of shit white-trash I have ever seen!” Of course my brother didn’t stand up for me but that is beside the point. I have since taken the higher road and have been nothing but polite to him- I’ve never even brought it up. I was made fun of for my stretch marks, “You have a map of the world on your stomach” or this one, “You have a worm farm on your stomach”. Comments about the size of my thighs, “You have thunder thighs. They are the size of manatees”. Even my teeth, “I’ll call you Bucky because you sure have buck teeth-like a rabbit”. Seriously, kids can be true assholes sometimes, even if they’re your family. So help me, if any future asshole kids who choose to tease my future children. They will learn a hard lesson.

At the ripe age of 14 years old, I was allowed to start dating boys-with restrictions. I was involved in a serious relationship at the age of 15 (and a half-because at that age, halves are super fucking important) with my long-distance boyfriend. He was older but also advanced in school. He lived 5 hours away but I was still able to visit, bowl league with him and do what couples do-almost every week for a year and a half. We had our amazing moments, he traveled with us to bowl when he could and I spent several holidays with him and his family. However, as we got older, I started to get paranoid. It was my fault and I admit it 100%. He never gave me a reason to believe that he was going to be interested in other girls while thinking about college but in my mind, I had nothing to offer him. Wait a minute, I take that whole statement back. He did give me a reason to doubt this. He would specifically tell me which actresses he would love to bang and which ones he found most attractive. He had posters in his room of skinny girls, big boobs, ass hanging out-the typical. He would admit that he would masturbate to certain girls-fictional, famous or someone we knew. Guys-if you are reading this…please, never do this to your girl/wife/spouse/partner. It does no good for anyone to admit who you find attractive. These actions silently pained me from the inside out. He would even point girls out at the mall he found attractive. Do you honestly think this helped my-self imagine that has already been shifted in such a way of hating myself? It did nothing for me but hate myself harder. In a way, it was my fault for being OK with it and not saying anything, or at least pretending to be OK with it. My non-response was that I was trying to change my looks to be like some of those girls-or a mix of all the girls. I admit, I lost weight and was my skinniest to help “fill his desire” since my natural self wasn’t enough-so I felt. I dyed my hair, I bought clothes and shoes. I wore make up more often. I was so stupid back then-I should have just left at that point.

Back to us worrying about college- or I guess I should say, back to me worrying about it. He wanted to go to a big school-I didn’t even want to go to college. I hated the idea of going to college. I did want to go to college at one point and even discussed it with him; go to school together, live with each other, save money for our wedding but he immediately shut that goal down. I therefore got discouraged. It escalated into a huge argument. The night before we were supposed to attend his senior prom we reached a breaking point. I had worked really hard to fit into this skin tight dress. It was black, sparkling everywhere, it had a low bust line, and there wasn’t even a need for jewelry because the dress and what I had planned would speak for itself. When it came to dances and proms, I feel as if I was ahead of the fashion trends-again, channeling my Lady GaGa. I always went for the strange dresses, the odd colors, the risqué looking styles. I was very excited for that night because it was the first time I ever felt decent, good enough, to wear anything of this sort. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to fulfill my excitement with my wonderful dress with my decent-ish body.

The night before his senior prom, we fought really badly, like super bad. We were at his parents’ house, alone and we started discussing college and the future. I told him all my worries, again, looking for reassurance. He and I said very hurtful things to each other-some of the worst things. He ended up breaking up with me after a couple hours of arguing. He told me, “I don’t want you baggage while starting college. Plus you will end up working for daddy your entire like and probably not go to college”. I was in a bad, dark place. I was there for a while, we both knew it and it just kept getting darker. He wasn’t supportive. He left me alone in the basement after our final words of pain to one another, this is where my ‘room’ was when I visited him, he went upstairs to his room and turned the music on as loud as he could to mask my hysterical crying. I still remember the band and songs playing. Being alone was a huge mistake for me. My mind went to the darkest place: I wanted to die. I saw no use to living. At that time, I thought that everything everyone had said negatively about me was right-I had nothing going for me. I was being selfish but yet harmful to myself in the worst of ways. I attempted suicide. First, I had found a large piece of glass and tried to slit my wrist. I didn’t even know how to do it right and honestly, the thought of seeing my blood freaked me out so I tried three times and gave up. I grabbed a bottle of 120 count Tylenol and thought it would be the less gory route. I stopped myself at 10 pills. I packed my bags, left his house and walked half a mile to the nearest gas station. I called my mom to pick me up. It was late already-somewhere around 8PM. I waited at the gas station, outside, alone and completely drained of emotion and feelings. I just gave up on life. I wanted nothing. I didn’t care. I am not saying that I was in the right in the entire situation or relationship. In fact, I was probably really bad the entire time. I needed help and got nothing that would help me. I didn’t know what would. I felt hopeless. Nothing would take that edge off.

I got back home and my mom made an appointment to see my family physician. He prescribed me my first dose of depression pills, Lexapro. I had to have a coming to Jesus conversation with myself about why I was on it. I hated taking pills. I hated the responsibility. I hated that it meant something was wrong. I found no reason to want to take this, I was still in my funk. I did end up taking them. I was on them for three years before I weened myself off of them since I was more stable.

Then, I attended the University of Nebraska Lincoln after spending 2 years at a community college. I had full anxiety about going to a big school but it was also a mixture of excitement. I got to be a student-athlete, not many get the honor of saying that. Not many people got to finish school, while a student-athlete. College was some of the best and worst times I’ve had to deal with. That can be a later blog but in all, I miss college. I did go through some rough times-I was prescribed Lexapro (a higher dosage), Wellbutrin (to help with my energy level), Ambien (to help me sleep) and Zanax (to help with anxiety). I felt like a walking pharmacy. It wasn’t a good feeling. It also wasn’t a good feeling to be labeled ‘anxious’. I do believe in self-fulfilling prophecies. Luckily, my mental health did not get in the way of my success. I was not the ‘star’ on the team that I had hoped for but my grades were amazing, I had honors, I won an award for a paper I wrote in which my name will be forever engraved in the Sociology department, I won a national championship in 2009, I graduated with a 3.65 GPA.  When I ordered my graduation ring and my national championship ring, I actually got it sized for each of my middle fingers. I did that because it’s a homage to those haters of mine in my life be it all the teasing, the ones that filled my head with doubt and negative thoughts, the ones that thought I wouldn’t be anything, the ones that thought I wouldn’t or couldn’t go to college, the ones that thought my bowling would be worthless, to my ex, to my brother, and it is homage to myself-I won’t take anyone’s shit anymore.

Fast forward to now, my life is great! I have had a stable job for 5 years and yes I am ‘working for daddy’ but I am not complaining about that because I love working with my dad. People who think I have it easy and handed shit on a silver platter can just go fuck themselves. I also have three of the most loving, compassionate dogs that I have had crazy-dog-lady-dreams about. Truly, they are my children. Anything I want, I buy it myself because I am financially stable. Anywhere I want to go, I can go. I’ve taken trips that people fantasize about. I married my biggest fan, my best friend, my soulmate. I do have some really amazing people in my life. I’ve grown to learn who is there for me and those who are not. I wouldn’t change my friends for anything. They mean the world to me. My parents visit often and I love that. I’ve grown so close to them-not that I wasn’t before but they truly are such huge pieces of my life puzzle. I would be a complete mess without them. Another thing, my mind has never been so clear. Since I described all my bad times, I am sure it makes me sound like a complete psycho and that’s OK-I’m fine with that! I truly believe everyone has their moments in life where they aren’t necessarily proud of but my honest hope is that explaining my journey will give someone reading this, hope within themselves that it is going to be OKAY! I am not saying I had the worst life ever or to feel sympathy for me and I am sure someone out there has had it much, much worse than myself but I ended up fine, great. I also hope you understand my story a little more and where I’ve come from with my journey.

The journey to conquering depression or the thoughts of suicide never stop or start at the month of September. There is another side of depression and suicide that a lot of people do not get to see. The side that doesn’t have to be dark. There is light at the end of the tunnel that doesn’t have to end in death, I promise you but it is up to you to make the changes because unfortunately being as stubborn as I am, I have had to admit to myself that I am not going to be healthy my whole life unless I ask for help and take medication, do things that make me happy and surround myself with people who won’t harm me emotionally, physically or any other way possible. This includes being kind to myself and preventing that type harm from me. Please, do not hesitate to ask for help-whether it’s a friend, a stranger, a doctor, a family member, online chat rooms, a phone call to a help line-there is another way to feeling better and it starts with answering honestly-how you are truly doing. Let down your happy face and tell someone your feelings. I am very fortunate enough to have a best friend within my mother because honestly, without me thinking about what my decision would have done to her-how much of a wreck she would have been, I am so happy I called her and was honest with her. She has helped me through those dark, dark times. Even now, not everything is kittens and rainbows and clouds raining Skittles. I have bad days still and I am okay with that. It isn’t an everyday struggle like it used to once be and I find the good, the happy and the joy of life 90% of the time! I would say that is a tremendous stride in the right direction.

Be kind to people and raise your children to do the same. You never know what your comments or actions may make other people feel. Don’t be part of a reason to cause someone to be in the pain, the pain like I once was in. This disease, depression, it can be invisible and very silent. Most times, you won’t know the harm you do until it’s too late. I actually found my suicide note. I thought about posting it but honestly-it is too much for me to share. It pained me instantly. I cried instantly. It would pain my parents and everyone I mentioned in it. It would pain me to know and think about if my child ever felt the way I described in my note and said the things I did say. It would pain me if my child actually did commit suicide. Remember that thought in your head. Be kind to others. Be kind to your parents. Be kind to you.

My Progress: After Surgery

My Progress: After Surgery

The first week of my surgery, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. The worst part for me was sleeping at night. I was experiencing, what I think is indigestion/heart burn, I don’t know because I’ve never had that feeling before. I also HATE sleeping on my back. I never have liked it and probably never will. I was still feeling discomfort though. I mean, I did literally just have almost an entire organ ripped out. I was sore. Sleeping on my side wasn’t even an option. One item I bought several, several months ago was a pregnancy pillow. No, I have never been pregnant. I bought the damn thing because it simply it looked comfortable and it just so happened ‘pregnancy’ was in the description. That thing was a life saver. I still had heart burn or whatever the hell that shit was/is. I didn’t know if I could take anti-acids so I just waited until my follow-up with my surgeon. My ‘foods’, aka liquid diet, consisted of the following for the week after my surgery:

Meal: 2 ounces of chicken broth

Meal: 2 ounces of diluted unsweetened applesauce

Meal: 2 ounces of diluted Greek yogurt

This is basically what I lived off of for a week-gradually moving to 3 ounces and then I tried 4 ounces. It wasn’t that bad to do. I was actually impressed how satisfied and full I felt after consuming so little. I loved it. I’ve never experienced it before. To eat to the point of being satisfied-how lovely of a concept. I knew I made the right decision.

Everything sounds like puppies and rainbows right now but trust me, I had two moments of remorse. I first had ‘buyer’s remorse’. Thinking of the ways I could have spent that money. That fire was quickly put out when I talked to myself about my ultimate goals, adding years to my life and it was all fine. The other feeling I had been, “What the fuck did I do to my body?” This lasted for about 10 minutes and came with a good cry. It happened because I felt my house was falling apart and was a complete disaster and I felt so helpless. I don’t know if it was my period, feeling alone, jealous or what but I got over that too with the help of Brian explaining why I did it.

The day of my surgery, August 25th, I was 233lbs. I wasn’t sure when a good time to weigh myself after surgery but I decided before stepping in the shower that I would see what the Fucker (aka scale) said. On August 28th, which is three days post-surgery, I was 223.2lbs. I couldn’t believe it. I will go back to my original feelings on the Fucker-it isn’t as important to me as getting fit. My goal weight is 155 (whether that’s realistic or not, I don’t know but I will try my damnedest and in a healthy way). My tool is working! I am officially eight pounds away from weighing what I did when Brian and I got married.

This past Monday, I received a lovely phone call from the bariatric coordinator at CHI. I love her, she is a very blunt yet caring individual. We had a discussion about my recovery and when she asked how I was, I automatically replied without any hesitation-“To be honest, I feel freakishly amazing. Just awesome and I don’t know if that is normal”. I really don’t know if that normal. Everything I’ve read online, you know-since everything posted online is the absolute truth and reality of everything that ever happens, people struggle with their recovery particularly with drinking water and getting enough protein. I hadn’t really ‘eaten’ much in my week of recovery but focused on getting water in as you read above. They told me to focus on staying hydrated-which I did. That is a huge danger to bariatric patients is the dehydration especially for those who are only able to consume so little after surgery. The fact is, you’ll die of dehydration before starvation so I was not worried about my food/calorie intake. I did not have the issues that I had read about-so many horror stories that I won’t share because I honestly don’t want to scare others in what I read. Everyone’s experience is different with the surgery and that includes pre-op, during surgery and post-op. I am getting on average 40-68 ounces of water in a day. It is a bit of a chore, almost a full-time job, but it is not awful. I was consuming approximately 100 ounces or more a day before surgery. I had enough practice. I prepared the best I could before my surgery. The coordinators immediate response to my answer, “That is fantastic! You are doing so well. We are going to talk about progressing your diet”. I wasn’t sure what that meant-I thought maybe she wanted me to focus on protein since I focused on staying hydrated.

On Tuesday, I had my follow-up with my surgeon-Dr. Hovey. Luckily I called about getting my invoice for my surgery because they didn’t have me down for my appointment that they had given me during my release from the hospital. They fit me in later in the day which was fine. My mom was an absolute Saint, yet again, taking care of me. I was not released to drive so she came all the way from North Platte to take me to my doctor’s appointment. My appointment went very, very well. I weighed in at 221 even. The coordinator came to talk to me. She told me that my maximum protein is 100 grams-didn’t even mention that my minimum was 60 grams just because she knows I’m an over achiever. She mentioned my indigestion could be lessened by taking a couple of tums. The next thing we talked about was my progression of my diet. It wasn’t just protein intake, it was moving on to semi-solid foods which means cottage cheese, soft/thin sliced deli meats, shell-fish, string cheese. I was so excited! That was very, very unexpected! Next was the surgeon-he saw my incisions, they looked good! Told me I could peel the tape from my wounds. I was immediately frightened by this thought. I had an image in my head that once I started peeling them off, what was left of my guts would just pill out. I know, it is illogical but to me, it was a legit concern. The surgeon meeting was short and sweet. He was happy to see my progress. I got the OK to go to the gym and do treadmill, weights will be another 2-3 weeks and bowling will have to wait another 2 weeks and a lift restriction of 20 lbs. That made me sad but I do not, I repeat, DO NOT want a hernia. He would have to do surgery all over again to get it fixed. My next follow-up is the end of the month for my one month progress.

Right after my surgeon, I told my mom that I wanted shrimp. I have been craving shrimp and I wanted it like a pregnant lady wants pickles and peanut butter. We went to Hy-Vee in Lincoln and I went a little crazy on food. Once I got the OK to eat normal-ish things, I wanted everything I could have. I got shrimp, scallops, deli meat thinly sliced, cheese, cottage cheese-everything I was allowed to eat. I still had my stock pile of liquid diet stuff I had just purchased-the $46 of groceries that was to last me for a month! Oh well, I felt as if I deserved all this.

My first meal was cocktail shrimp with spicy Louisiana cocktail sauce. I had two shrimp to start but after waiting a bit, I decided I was hungry for more. I finished four more and was d-o-n-e eating. I had taken the bites a little too literal but I am still learning my tolerance with my bite sizes. I had cut the pieces into 1/5 of my pinky nail. I had chewed about 20-25 times each bite. It took me approximately an hour and fifteen minutes to eat. This was entirely too long to eat but I was so worried I would do something wrong and be in pain. I did, however, learn what the feeling is like if I don’t chew well enough-it feels like a whole piece of food is slowly going down your throat, into your stomach in which it feels like throw up/overly full/indigestion. Lesson learned. I figured I would give myself a break being it was my first ‘meal’ since April 15th. Approximately 14 shrimp equaled 3 ounces of protein so I finished a little less than half. I had some indigestion but again, I was so amazed that I ate so little and was satisfied. I felt like I had eaten my ‘normal’ amount which is about a pound or so of shrimp. I love that it my tool is working!

In the morning, I had one large egg-sunny side up. If my mom was awake at 4:30am, she would have told me not to do this because I wasn’t thinking. The egg was a little rough-it needs to be soft foods like scrambled eggs. I had some spicy guacamole and spicy salsa as well. It took me less time to finish this which was good. One egg did it though-I was satisfied. Unbelievable!

Another meal I made was my bariatric take on surf and turf. I had pan seared scallops in some garlic/I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter and I put them on a bed of medium rare thinly sliced roast beef. Again, probably shouldn’t have done the beef. It wasn’t the softest deli meat I could have chosen and I could tell. Even with my chew-chew-chew philosophy, I could tell it was digesting differently. The scallops on the other hand were perfect! I do need practice on cooking them but really, it was soft and flavorful. I also made garlic cauliflower mashed potatoes. If you haven’t tried that, do it! It is a wonderful substitute to the starchy real stuff! If you want the recipe, I will gladly share it with you. Or I guess there is Pinterest.

I tried cottage cheese for the first time. My mom filled up 4 ounces of it to see how much I could do before I got full. I maybe had eaten 2.5 ounces-we aren’t sure because we have a shithead of a dog who also loves people food for some reason even though we do not share food in our household. I loved it. It went down so smooth. It is hard to chew cottage cheese 20+ times. I dare you to try it next time you eat it. I have been adding medical grade plain protein powder to my cottage cheese. It does alter the flavor a little, I also added some skim FairLife Milk (which if you haven’t tried that stuff-DO IT! It has more protein and lasts way longer than normal milk). I was also told to put some scrambled egg whites in cottage cheese to add more protein. I am excited to try that.

Protein shakes haven’t changed for me-the taste is just the same but I have to drink less of it. I was very worried about this. I had bought two cases off of Amazon and I had heard, read and warned by my team of support at CHI that my taste buds may change after surgery. Luckily, I have not experienced any difference with that sense. However, since surgery I am very sensitive to smells. It is ridiculous! I could literally be a drug sniffing dog.

Another good little snack are the new P3’s. There are P3’s now, located in the grocery section that has Lunchables, with grilled chicken and different sauces (see picture below). They have 4 small grilled chicken fingers, un-breaded. They are the perfect portion for me. I actually cannot finish it-I can eat maybe 3 to 3.5 chicken fingers. I do use very little sauce, almost as a lube to help go down in case it seems dry for me. It isn’t enough for me to freak out about calories since I am only consuming 300-500 calories a day. I think I can allow myself a sliver of sauce per bite.

Saturday I went to the gym for the first time since surgery. It was game day. It was 5:15am on a holiday weekend. I walked for 65 minutes on the treadmill which burned 265 calories and was 2.89 miles. My goal was an hour. I felt great, I loved my sweat. I wasn’t able to drink because I had half a protein shake while driving there. I was thirsty. As soon as I got home, I realized I may have over-did the exercise. I passed out in bed for 2.5 hours which felt amazing but I had yet another lesson learned. We went to the football game at the Pinnacle Bank Area around 11:15am. It was a fairly active day for me. I was hungry more often throughout the day. I had eaten a P3 before the game, the BBQ sauce P3 to be specific. I had also eaten maybe an ounce of chicken from Kendra’s salad with about an ounce of avocado about an hour and fifteen minutes later. While watching the game, maybe two and half hours into it, I also got hungry. I ate just the tiny hot dog with ketchup and mustard-no bread. I can tell my metabolism is changing yet again. This was my most active day since surgery. I had almost 13,000 steps on my FitBit, I was in the heat a fair amount in which I had approximately 86 ounces of water. I was wore out needless to say once the day came to an end.

Surprisingly, I am doing fantastic at not drinking 30 minutes before, during or 30 minutes after eating. It is easier than I thought it would be. I suppose it all goes back to my preparation which I think strongly helped me. The things I did to prepare and would highly recommend to anyone considering the surgery: 1). Working out-this is a tool as I have preached before and weight does not simply fall off on its own. It takes work, dedication and will power 2). Eating slowly-this will help with the process of chewing, thinking about the flavor of the food, appreciating it. 3). No soda/carbonated beverages-this is a forever thing, no cheating. This can harm your tummy after surgery. 4). Protein first, veggies second, starches third. This is priority of the nutrition pyramid. Even this small change can help tremendously. 5). Be organized-I have folders and paperwork galore! Without this, I would be lost. I always carry the folders with me-just in case I need it. That’s all I can think of right now-maybe I will make another blog more in-depth once I get more accommodated to my new lifestyle. I am sure the list will more detailed.

While eating, I have to focus. I am not really supposed to socialize, be on my phone or watch TV. Why is this? I need to think about each bite. I need to talk to my stomach and my mind. This sounds super strange but it is necessary. I am learning all over again how to eat. I am learning my limits. I am learning how I feel both with my stomach and my mind. This is something that I was told to do by several people including my bariatric team at CHI.

I weighed myself and I was at 219lbs. I hit my 50lbs mark with weight loss! That is half way to my doctors goal for me. Courtesy of Kendra, I am doing a motivational weight loss goal thing by treating myself to purchasing a mantra band every 10lbs I loose. Since there are so many I want on the website, I will also extend my goal/mantra band purchasing to also include any goals I achieve on my vision board-whenever I make it.    I am having a hard time seeing the difference, sometimes I see it-sometimes I don’t. I worry I will struggle with my image. This is where I am hoping that therapy will help me. I also am justifying wearing clothes that probably are too big for me since I do not see the difference. It is frustrating. Only a couple of people, Brian is one of them, tell me they see a difference. I cannot get discouraged with that. I am happy with my slow progress. I would rather do this journey healthy and slow than harm myself.

I am doing fantastically to answer all the questions. I can eat little bits and I am so satisfied with that. I am getting my water in plus some, my protein is going great. The only thing I wish I could get to be better is my ‘narcolepsy’ which I get randomly tired and feel like sleeping at strange moments. It also happens after eating, my guess is I get tired of chewing. I am now able to sleep on my side now! Being directly on my stomach still bothers me but that is to be expected. I’m excited what the next few weeks bring! I’ll keep you posted!

after weight loss surgery food

My Inner Arrogance…I Mean, Confidence

A lot of people don’t understand the reasoning why I had a permanent surgery when it was solely my choice. It was 100% an elective surgery. Some people don’t understand why Brian and I are having it together which is solely our choice. Solely elective. There is no need for people to try and understand if they don’t get it. They also don’t need to assume or criticize either one of us. Why? Because it is our decision, our lives and I made the ‘courageous’ decision to put myself out there.  I am doing it because 1). I want to remember a year, five years or even when my kids are grown exactly what I went through. I want to know and want my kids to know that I was in a terrible place and I want to compare to my future life that will be happier, healthier and amazing.  2). I am also doing it because I want to truly educate those who really do care, those who truly want to learn about our lives and that support us. I want to potentially inspire people and help others that may be feeling the way I do/did because if it’s one thing I learned in this journey so far, I am not alone. I say things in a blunt-matter-of-fact-no-bullshit-added manner because I want everyone to know what I am going through in full detail, I also need it as my reminder for the now and the future. I want my kids to know this was a lot to do with them-our journey to get healthy, to be healthy, loving, amazing parents. I am proud of what I’ve said and I would say anything I’ve blogged about to a complete stranger, to my kids, to Brian, my parents, to myself.

The people I am not giving time of day are those who do not try to put themselves in my shoes or our shoes for that matter. The people that have never struggled with their weight and think this surgery was the ‘easy way out’. Or even if those that do struggle with their weight and they do not admit it- but yet they must have some right to judge what I have done or what we are going to do as a married couple. The questions of, “Well have you tried X, Y and Z diet before making the decision to have surgery?” By far the question I have gotten most frequently. Of course I did and I failed, just like 95% of society does with any diet. I am truly amazed at those who diet for life. They are freaks of nature.  In doing our research, we have found that SO many people cannot commit to diet changes, and we contribute to the failed statistic.

Most bariatric patients have done all they can to drop weight, as I did. It isn’t just a matter of diet and exercise like most people assume. Yes, that is an element of it. It’s those type people that assume it takes just those two elements and I chose not to communicate with them because they simply do not understand. I cannot tolerate those that don’t listen to my journey and yet they try to fix my issue without even considering my entire life has been nothing less than a struggle, with no understanding or insight into the research and preparation we have done. It’s a matter of forever life style changes. This surgery gives me 100% excuse not to over eat, eat sugary things, and drink alcohol excessively. My bad habits that haunted me my entire life (minus the alcohol-I discovered that at 20 years old) are literally now cut out of my life. Get it?  Cut out?  Like my stomach.

I have no apologies for anything I have said to anyone, blogged about or anything I have physically done. I will not tolerate this shit from anyone, any longer. This goes for both Brian and myself. I have become highly allergic to judgment, shitty comments, excuses and people who think they know my entire life and what I need to fix it. It must be a side effect of my surgery =). Oh what a tragedy, I gained arrogance in my surgery. I better go have a doctor look at me and get that taken care of-God forbid.

This blog is basically about my strength. Not weight lifting strength but the strength that I have gained inside myself, emotionally and mentally. I have found that I’ve gained this sort of arrogance, confidence I should say, about this whole journey to health.  Going back to my celebrity inspiration once again, Ronda Rousey, she has a fantastic quote about this topic of arrogance vs. confidence. She stated after one of her biggest wins in UFC, “Some people like to call me arrogant or cocky, but I just think, ‘how dare you assume I should think less of myself’.” She couldn’t be more right. How dare people assume or judge me for thinking highly of myself for the first time in my life. All of this effort I am putting into myself, all for the sake of becoming HEALTHY. Why be so harsh in judgement? I added years to my life with this surgery-why is that such a bad thing? It is not cosmetic to become the new skinny bitch like Miley Cyrus, it wasn’t out of boredom as if I had nothing else better to do. What it’s truly about is my health and goals in life. I guess it’s a bad thing that I am trying to be the best me. Why do people have a problem with that? I will happily talk with people who want to truly learn what my life is like now, or how it even was before. I will not talk to people-I absolutely refuse to talk to people who want to be nosy for reasons that aren’t coming from a supportive place. I will happily talk with people who want to support me- but to judge what I did in the name of my health and to make the best me I can be, is nothing short of nonsensical and will not be tolerated any longer. I am not stupid, I know when I am judged. My parents raised me the right way and because of them, I know have a good sense of character. I know who is on my side. I know who is judgmental. I know a lot about people’s character. There isn’t much that I cannot see within a person.

Since I started to put myself out there with this whole journey, I have had some unexpected support from people I haven’t heard from in years. I love this. I soak it in every time I get a text, phone call, private message. It has made me genuinely happy, a happiness I haven’t really felt before. I have had people whom I haven’t talked to or seen in years (20 years to be exact) contact me, asking if they can share my blog with a person they know will relate to me, to help their friend in desperate need, maybe  to educate them on the surgery or to feel less alone. It is people like this that keep me going, every single day. I am making a difference even though it is really, really hard for me to admit that I am doing so much good by putting my whole story out there. Even though some people may not agree with my wording or how blunt I am being, it is helping people. It is helping people who have had the surgery (some are in the closet still, some are not) think to themselves-‘Oh I had that happen to me. I feel less ashamed.’ What is so wrong with me being the way I am with this journey and how it is helping people? It isn’t wrong one God damn bit! I think the people that this is bothered by, the judgmental people, the people who think they know ‘best’ for me, it says more than words can even describe but in sum-that the issue is within them, not me. Projecting is the worst!

I made a huge promise to myself last week, before my surgery that I will no longer dwell on people who have sucked the happiness from me in this journey. I will no longer let them bother me or consume my mind one bit. I will not give them a second of my time. I will, however, surround myself with people who are excited, happy and ask me how I am doing-even if it’s once a week, once a year or once in 20 years. I will surround myself with people who have my like mindedness. The terrible saying I hated in college but I do appreciate now, haunts me still: “Misery is Miseries Company.” I think the same is true on just the opposite-I feel I can do great things when I have people who have my like mindedness. My goal is to spread that feeling to others. I know I’m good at it; filling people’s buckets with positivity. I will absolutely start speaking my mind to those people who disagree with my choices because I can. I am making the best choices for me and my very small family. I know this. I am confident. I am pretty sure I am an adult last time I checked and I make fairly adult decisions that I feel are the best for me/us at the time, whether I want to make those choices or not. Newsflash: I am not an adolescent. I make decisions that are pretty profound and everyone should be scared of that. That was another one of my goals last week before surgery: I want people to fear me with my words. Not truly fear me but my point, if I say I am going to do something, I absolutely will do that something. I will do it to my best ability and I will prove people wrong. This is my competitive edge and it is coming back to me every day. Whatever I say, I will do!

There were questions as to why Brian was not there for me at the hospital after surgery. He was there for the day/night of surgery. I feel as if I need to clear the air with something else that has been on both Brian’s and my mind involving that whole situation. We both felt pretty terrible about the questions we were getting about the trip he took. Brian had flown to Oregon last Wednesday morning, bright and early to finish his amazing tattoo that I had actually started for him as a surprise for his birthday in January. We had booked an appointment with the tattoo artist who is kind of a big deal/celebrity (Heather) to be finished back in January while we were still there. In April, we were supposed to go to Wyoming, where she lived at the time, but she had to move to Oregon and therefore, had to cancel the appointment in April. The next available time she could get Brian in was in late August. We booked our tickets to Oregon back in May. I marked it on my calendar but marked it incorrectly-I had put that the Oregon trip was August 17th-19th. With scheduling my surgery, I planned it so that I could still go to Oregon the week before. I scheduled my surgery for August 25th. They would not allow me to fly after surgery so this is why I chose the date I did. I did not realize that I had the dates mixed up until a couple months ago. We carefully debated on what to do with the mix up but essentially Brian told me it was my decision. He said he will do whatever I need him to do and be where ever I want him to be. I told Brian I want nothing more than for him to still go to Oregon without me. I needed him with me the day/night before my surgery, the day of my surgery and stay with me for a bit at night after my surgery. I knew I would be tired so I didn’t need company around me 24/7. I couldn’t imagine having a lot of company. I’ve seen the exhaustion that causes, which is more harm than good. My parents were taking care of me (and did a fantastic job) after surgery. This also influenced my decision of him going to Oregon. We both knew I would be in good hands. He was going to cancel his appointment with Heather in Oregon. I wouldn’t let him. I knew I would be OKAY. There wasn’t a moment Brian didn’t check in with me while he was traveling. We text messaged, SnapChat pictures, called one another. Brian is the best husband I could have ever been honored to marry. If there was any concern that he is a douche, that would have been well handled before we got serious. He is not a douche for ‘leaving’ me. I asked him to go, have fun and get something finished that I started for him. We have been happily together for nine years, yes that is 9 years next month. For people to judge the both of us for this decision even though I was in the hospital for something comparable to having my gallbladder out, ridiculous. Oh, and he had a fantastic time which made me happy and his tattoo is nothing short of completely bad ass which was my whole goal for his present. We will plan a trip to Oregon when I want to get my sleeve done and he is absolutely going with and I will be a better planner/more organized. There. Problem solved.

What I absolutely love about our marriage is that we are two completely separate people who make decisions together and the other person, be it me or Brian, always allows the other to do what they want. Communication is the key. There is no stereotype with us involving the, ‘I have to ask the boss’ type shit. We even have separate finances. Again, we don’t want the excuse of, ‘Well I want to buy a pair of shoes but I have to ask hubby first’. Absolutely, no. Never. If I want a pair of fucking shoes, I will buy it with my money, no questions asked, no judgment from Brian. If Brian wants to buy a video game, he does so with his money, no questions asked other than if I want to play the game with him. The only rule we have are that the bills are paid since that is priority, then we can splurge how we want. Brian wouldn’t ever judge me for what I do and vis-à-vis. We feel this eliminates so much complication that does occur in marriages. It is very simple actually: We do what we want-we communicate this, we buy whatever we want-we communicate this, and we travel wherever we want to go-together or separate-we communicate this. We love each other, we respect each other and that is fact. It is hard to find that in a significant other. We are not the normal couple. We definitely aren’t a cookie cutter relationship. We have our own non-traditional family traditions. We love that. We are so comfortable within our relationship. We love that too. I also believe those that know us on a more personal level, would agree with everything I said.

From this point on, we promised each other that we no longer have to answer to anyone why we do the things we do-as a married couple. It goes back to my statement-we are not adolescents, we make adult decisions whether we want to or not and we are adults in the matter. It is no one else’s business other than maybe both of our parents what we do. Our new philosophy is just as simple as that; no explanations needed. I may even make matching t-shirts that say that and we may just wear them together, with pointing arrows at each other. We are not the normal relationship or cookie-cutter type family. We never have been and never will be. It sounds like such a boring life and we see it in people and still agree. It will no longer be an issue from this point on.

This blog may shift relationships or friendships, hell I may even loose a friend or two. Unfortunately with my new found arrogance/cockiness/confidence, I do not care. The people that do care and truly want both Brian and I to do well and achieve our goals, will be there, at the never-ending-finish-line of this journey and root at loud as they can with bells and whistles. There is a difference in people and I am seeing it more clearly than ever. It makes me sad and extremely happy at the same time. It makes me sad that some people that should probably be asking how I am doing, haven’t said a thing about any of this to me. It makes me sad that there is judgement by people. I also am extremely happy that my journey is bringing people back to my life that in one way or the other, had lost the friendship connection. It feels as if our friendship wires were fused back together, all because they read, enjoy and try to understand my blog. They talk to me about it. Yet, I feel bad that sometimes I don’t feel like a big deal to certain people that I feel I should be a big deal to, but more importantly I am realizing that I need to feel like a big deal about me, inside. I do not need their reassurance that I am a big deal to feel like one. Screw that. I may wait forever if I waited for other people to confirm my feelings. Those people that do not agree with me or my lifestyle, the judgment and how they feel they have a right to disagree with my lifestyle changes, that’s fine. You keep on keepin’ on. That small 2% of those type people do not make a difference to me. The rest of the 98% of people I am making a difference to, inspiring, helping for the better, they matter and they know they do. I tell them constantly. I have a large cheering squad that I will continue to perform for because that’s what I like doing! Confidence, arrogance or cockiness-I love it. I finally got my mojo back!